August 16, 2011

Social Media Marketing: New Features to Take Promotional Initiatives Further Ahead

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One of the major advantages of social media is that it strongly supports the idea of divorcing and distributing data and multimedia. Their contents fully support the online campaigns of their users. Each contribution, whether it takes the form of image, text or anything else that might be a shout into the void acts as an inspiring source of debate that ends somewhere else than that of original source.
This fact is genuinely hated part of marketers who would like to fully utilize social media as well, in the same lime line of other "media". But, often the media buzz takes things matters out of our controls. In such situations we often prefer 'silence' over unwanted publicity as we do not want to be influenced by anyone other than ourselves. Despite such fears, the professional marketers as well as ordinary people have found saviors in social networking platforms such as Facebook.
seo service indiaFacebook recently introduced an interactive feature that allows users to add comments to the posts in multimedia elements. It is simply appealing to the millions of users as the generated thumbnail image or the integrated video player looks simply wonderful and most importantly it enhances the usage rate and user participation level of such media. When the users comment on the posts, they often put their URL addresses in the comment fields thus they ensure a both-way promotions. Easy-to-use interactive aspects ensure better user experience and generate more traffic to the promoted links.
Online media now plays manifold roles. They have virtually ushered in a revolution in maintaining two-way communication with the target groups. Interactive features act as a mechanism for developing quality discussion on Facebook. The themes will also witness major changes in the coming times. The discussion and feedback of Facebook visitors will play major role in dramatically modifying present features. No doubt, users' experience and their opinions will make social networking platforms vibrant and flexible enough.
The major changes in social networking platforms will tremendously help Facebook marketers. Enriched with improved interactive features they will find it compelling to extensively use online social networking sites and enjoy greater level of flexibility and control over their postings. They are the ones for whom Facebook will become much more active site and offer the users with a plethora of multimedia wonders.
The ability to add multimedia to comment or postings on Facebook is undoubtedly a unique aspect of social networking blitz but it needs careful utilization of the new offerings. It needs intense effort and strong nerves to succeed in the new platform of corporate war.
Source:       Abhijit Kumar


  1. Hi...A very impressive post. I like the content and idea. Social media helps people to know what your website is all about. It creates more incoming traffic to your website. After all it helps with seo because you have inbound links for your website.

    I want to see some more posts in the blog and let us know your updates. thanks
    SEO India

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